Articles Authors Issues
Sound Design and History
Language and Dialect in the Historical Film
Walter Benjamin and Archival Film Practices
Voice-Overs and Modelling History
Harun Farocki’s RESPITE
Political Film Censorship in West Germany by the Interministerieller Ausschuss für Ost/West-Filmfragen
Historical Film and the Embodied Viewer
On CALIGARI, Kracauer and New Film History
On the Desire for Presence in Historical Documentaries
An Empirical Study of the Link between Film Perception and Historical Consciousness
The Staatliche Filmdokumentation at the German Democratic Republic Film Archive
On the Playful Construction of History in THE THREE BURIALS OF MELQUIADES ESTRADA
The End of the Chilean Military Dictatorship in Pablo Larraín's Feature Film NO!
The Experience and Analysis of Historical Images on Television
Official and Ephemeral Film Documents on the Persecution and Extermination of the European Jews 1933-1945
Re-archiving Film Historiography in PHOENIX (Christian Petzold, 2014)
Audiovisual Traces, Reenactment, and Remediation in CINE MARROCOS (BR 2018)
Toward a New Type of Biography
Preserving and Curating Audiovisual Traces of LGBTIQ+ Self-Documentation in Austria and Beyond
The Traces of History in FLAT TYRE
Problematising Historical Reconstruction
Prominent Moments of Cinematic Self-Reflexivity