Christine Rüffert is an administrative councillor at the Senate for Culture in Bremen and since 1988 she is responsible for film-cultural work in the federal state of Bremen. Since 2009 she works at the Cooperation Centre for Film (University of Bremen), where she coordinates cooperation between academic film research and such cultural institutions as communal cinemas, museums, and film archives. She also works in cinema management and festival programming. She curates primarily experimental film and queer cinema and writes on topics of film curating and mediation.
She was a chairwoman (1987–1990) and worked in the management and programming of Kommunalkino Bremen (1990–2007). In 1990–2008 she was a member of the selection committee for the international programming of the European Media Art Festival (emaf) and in 1996–2004 an assessor to the board of Filmbewertungsstelle Wiesbaden. She was a member of the broadcasting board of Radio Bremen (2004–2012) and in 1993 she established the experimental film forum „film:art“ for which she curates and introduces programs, i.a. in cooperation with local art museums. In 1994 she established and managed the queerfilm festival Bremen and is still its board member and the selection committee of queerfilm e.V. In 2005 she was a jury-member of the Teddy-Award of the Berlin Film Festival and in 2014/15 assisted in drafting the plan of action against homo-, trans- and interphobia for the federal state of Bremen.
In 1995 she co-founded and still co-organizes the International Film Symposium, being a co-editor of the assigned publication series in 2003–2014 (since 2008 also in English).