Sebastian Thalheim has been member of the research staff at the Department of Cultural Anthropology, University of Münster from 2013 until 2019. He received his Ph.D. entitled Family Films in the GDR: Ciné Film Culture between the Socialist State Ideal and Everyday Images in cultural anthropology with an emphasis on history and media studies from the University of Münster. As a visiting professor, he taught historical methods and ethnographic filmmaking and gave lectures on media studies, visual and consumer culture at the universities of Granada, Seville, Warsaw, and Bologna.
Latest Publications
Thalheim, Sebastian. "Sommer, Sonne, Schmalfilm. Die neue Visualisierung eines alten Mediums. Werbefilm im Kontext der Konsumkultur der DDR in den 1950er Jahren." In Grenzenlose Werbung – zwischen Konsum und Audiovision, edited by Franz Eder, Mario Keller, and Karin Moser, 53–78. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020.
Thalheim, Sebastian, and Michael Geuenich. "Bilder für den Speicher. Alltagspraxen analoger „home movies“." In Bewegtbilder und Alltagskultur(en) – von Super 8 über Video zum Handyfilm. Praktiken von Amateuren im Prozess der gesellschaftlichen Ästhetisierung, edited by Ute Holfelder and Klaus Schönberger, 118–127. Köln: Herbert von Halem, 2017.