Matthias Steinle is lecturer at University Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3. His research interests include film and television history, documentary film, French-German media relations.
His recent publications include: Vom Feindbild zum Fremdbild. Die gegenseitige Darstellung von BRD und DDR im Dokumentarfilm (foreword by Marc Ferro, 2003), Filmgenres: Komödie (co-editor with Heinz-B. Heller, 2005), All Quiet on the Genre Front? Zur Praxis und Theorie des Kriegsfilms (co-editor with Heinz-B. Heller and Burkhard Röwekamp, 2006), François Niney: Die Wirklichkeit des Dokumentarfilms. 50 Fragen zur Theorie und Praxis des Dokumentarischen (translater and co-editor with Heinz-B. Heller, 2012), L’image d’archives: une image en devenir (co-editor with Julie Maeck, 2016), La RDA et la société postsocialiste dans le cinéma allemand après 1989 (co-editor with Hélène Camarade, Elisabeth Guilhamon, Helene Yeche, 2018).
The Experience and Analysis of Historical Images on Television